Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Fall For Hall Has Finally Fell

Well well well.

The Edmonton Oilers have done it. They went with Hall. I gotta say I was leaning towards the Seguin camp coming into this draft; but let's be honest, either kid is a great pick. I don't think the Oilers could have gone wrong either way.

I look forward to this kid leading my favorite hockey squadron to victorious victory!

P.S. Tambo couldn't get anything else done in the first round? Bummer.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Taylor Vs. Tyler

OHhhhhhhh MAN!!! Only one more sleep!!!




Monday, June 21, 2010

The Day Of Reckoning Is Near

Have you looked at a calendar recently? Do you realize what this Friday is? That's right lady and gentlemen, it's NHL Draft Day!

A little team I like to call "The Edmonton Oilers Of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, North America, Earth" or "Oilers", for short, will be smoothing things over with their fan base by selecting first overall in the Entry Draft on Friday. It's a small token of appreciation shown to us fans by the team after last season's something something that I don't want to talk about. *COUGH* LAST *COUGH* PLACE *COUGH* SHITTIEST TEAM EVER *COUGH* FML *COUGH*

Basically, unless you live under a rock and haven't heard, there's two kids hoping to be selected 1st overall: Taylor Hall and Tyler Seguin.

"Who do you think the Oilers will pick?" you ask.

Well, since you brought it up, I believe the Oilers will select Taylor Hall. Here's a list of reasons why I think this way:

1. Bob McKenzie from TSN said he thinks Hall is the best pick for 1st overall.

2. ....that's all I've got.

Basically I don't have a clue which kid the Oilers should take. I've seen Hall play a couple times on TV and I have never seen Seguin play. I can't base my judgement of which kid is better based on my drunken hockey watching so I have to rely on people that have seen the kids play multiple times, with their own eyes. Bob McKenzie doesn't just spout off his opinion based on which kid he "thinks" will be better - he actually uses linear regression analysis and statistic baselines to formulate an accurate projection of who the best pick will be. ...ok, that's total bullshit....but what Bob does is interview scouts from all over the damn place and get their opinions of who the best pick is. So, by doing this he gets a broad spectrum of opinions and I think a more accurate "projection" of who should go first and why.

Honestly, I don't care which kid the Oilers take. Either one of them will be a nice cornerstone piece to initiate an honest to god rebuild of this team. No more chasing old balls free agents that want to sign in some city with palm trees. No more trading away youth for "experience" which we've all learned is just a euphemism for "10 to 13 games before a season ending shoulder injury occurs." No, it's all about the draft and developing the youthful core nucleus of a team that will grow and learn together from here on out.

One more thing - did you guys know that TSN is showing a behind the scenes documentary about the Oiler Brass and their trials and tribulations as they prepare for the upcoming draft? It's called "Oil Change". It will have footage of the Oiler big wigs interviewing the top prospects Tyler and Taylor as well as behind closed door meeting footage of the GM arguing with his scouts about who's the better pick. It will also supposedly show footage following Tyler and Taylor around from their visits to Edmonton over the past couple of weeks. Rumor has it we'll also see the inside of the Wayne Manor (Daryl Katz's house). I can't wait to see it. It's going to air Thursday night (June 24th) at 7PM MST on TSN.